The Glove Theatre proudly welcomes BERKSTAR -- for an evening of Blues/Rock, R&B/Soul, and Pop Grooves to start your weekend!
Raised in the sounds of Soul, Pop and Rock, BerkStar was influenced by all sounds of good music. Referring to his original music as "Groove", he has been able to navigate an amalgam of Jazz, Blues, Funk and Dance. BerkStar will "Let it Fly" for every performance!
Looking for good time Jazz/Rock, Blues Rock, Motown, Soul and Groove? BerkStar will take you on that trip to that happy place!! Come and experience a generous serving of "The Beat That Moves Ya"!! From the best sounds of 70's and beyond!
"I find inspiration all around me everyday. Music is my life and a clear representation of my view of the world . Every song should tell a story and I like to heal the world through song. BerkStar has many musical heroes from all generations!"
21+ to drink with valid I.D.